Introducing Alias. A new way for online business management

Alias is a powerful tool that helps you manage your online business with ease. From managing your inventory to tracking sales, creating content, managing services, websites, and more Alias has you covered.

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Our Services

Alias offers a wide range of services to help you manage your online business more efficiently. Here are some of the key features:

Website Creator

A platform that allows users to easily create and manage their own websites without needing extensive technical knowledge.

E-commerce Platform

A comprehensive solution for setting up and running online stores, managing products, processing payments, and handling shipping.

Analytics and Ads

A tool that helps businesses track their online performance and optimize their advertising campaigns.

Social Media Manager

An application designed to help businesses and individuals manage their social media presence across multiple platforms.

Customer Relationship Manager

A system that helps businesses manage interactions with current and potential customers, improving customer service and retention.

Bookings, Scheduling, and Forms

A tool for managing appointments, scheduling meetings, and creating forms for data collection.

Blogging Platform

A service that allows users to create, publish, and manage blog posts with ease.

Financial, Project, Team Management

An integrated solution for managing finances, projects, and team collaboration in one place.

Funnel Creation

A platform that helps businesses create and manage sales funnels to guide potential customers through the buying process.

Ready to Get Started?

Alias is still a project in development and we are looking for beta testers, and fundraising . Go to to get early access to it in the near future.

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