We are here to build your dream website with modern looks and affordable prices

Welcome to CodeCrafty. As pioneers in web development and design, we specialize in the cutting-edge integration of AI features. Our approach to bringing your dream website to life is straightforward and efficient. Simply reach out, and our team will swiftly engage with you to craft the ideal digital platform. Whether you're seeking a portfolio, a startup platform, a redesign, or a comprehensive business site, CodeCrafty stands ready to assist you in every way possible.

How we do it
people discussing on board


We were founded in 2023 by David Fales a aspiring full stack web developer. His goal was to make websites easy to build for clients with ai integrated into sites.


The creation process we use to takes your ideas and creates a site based on what you want exactly. The design and development is controlled by you we do the heavy lifting.

Why Us?

Why you should build with us is because we build websites that look compared to other drag and drop website builders. We make them look better.

Our Mission

At CodeCrafty, we envision a digital realm where website design and development are intuitive, accessible, and efficient. Our core mission revolves around equipping businesses, organizations, and individuals with the tools and expertise to carve out a compelling online footprint, eliminating traditional web development complexities.

Our dedication transcends mere aesthetics. We are zealous about swiftly and seamlessly translating your vision into a digital reality. By seamlessly blending innovative AI capabilities into our solutions, we aim to elevate your digital presence, offering a distinctive edge in the digital sphere. With CodeCrafty at the helm, our aspiration is to sculpt the digital landscape in a manner that champions your aspirations and propels you towards unprecedented growth.

Contact Us


We build fast making your website UI and UX design still look perfect with your great ideas.

AI Integration

We incorporate new technology to make users stay on your website for longer and get more clicks.

Web Maintenance

After you build your dream site you want somebody to keep it going and keeping it modern day. we do that to.

Group of people Chilling

Our Story

Born from a passion to revolutionize website design and development, CodeCrafty emerged to bridge an evident gap. We identified that many platforms failed to engage users effectively, leading to short-lived interactions. This sparked David's innovative idea: integrating AI to bolster user engagement. Navigating the journey from an idea to a live website was historically tedious, often riddled with complexities. CodeCrafty recognized the need for a more holistic service—one that married technical prowess with a genuine understanding of a client's aspirations.

Our origin traces back to a singular visionary: a web maestro with a dream of redefining digital experiences. Today, that dream has evolved, with CodeCrafty standing tall as a beacon of trust and excellence in the web development realm. Our trajectory is marked by relentless innovation, an unwavering focus on our clients, and a commitment to sculpting a more intuitive digital landscape. As we forge ahead, we're enthusiastic about co-authoring future success stories with you as our central muse.

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